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Writer's pictureTony Parker NESC

Shackleton Music: Track 4 - Released: Breaking Through The Ice

Shackleton Music: Track 4 - Breaking Through The Ice
Shackleton Music: Track 4 - Breaking Through The Ice

Hi Everyone,

Breaking Through The Ice:

I’m excited to announce that "Breaking Through the Ice" is finally out! We faced a few delays with the publishers, but it’s now ready for you all to enjoy. Spotify are still to release it, any day now.

Timeline Context:

As I mentioned in the last post, keeping the story timeline historically accurate was quite a challenge. This track covers mid-December to early January, the period when the SS Endurance first encountered heavy pack-ice. At this stage, there were no real concerns about making a path through the ice, even though it was thicker and heavier than expected for the summer months. The crew would have been pumped with excitement and adventure, even though they were tired from the constant noise and 24 hours of daylight.

Capturing the Vibe:

I had to redo this track multiple times to capture the excitement and adventure of this part of the expedition. It’s a jam with just two chords, filled with sound effects to create the atmosphere of what it must have been like back then.

Tempted to Skip:

I was tempted to skip this part, as not much drama had occurred in the story yet. It would have been too easy to move past it.

Upcoming Drama:

The next track is where the real drama begins. The working title is "The Frozen Embrace." This is where things start to get interesting. Shackleton and the crew begin to lose the battle with the ice. The temperature drops, and the currents and cold winds cause the ice to start locking them in. Ironically, they could see Coats Land just a day’s sail away.

Recording Update:

I’m currently recording "The Frozen Embrace." I feel like these first few tracks are the stepping stones to the real songwriting drama.

Thanks for Listening: Stay tuned for more updates.

Thanks for your support!


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